GL E VIII 1.5 Effect of change in priority date

Certain time limits run from the date of priority, or in the case of multiple priorities, from the earliest date of priority. Where this date no longer applies (e.g. the right of priority is lost in accordance with the provisions of Art. 90(5)), any such time limits become determinable from the amended date of priority. This does not restore any loss of rights resulting from a time limit having already expired before the loss of priority date.

GL E VIII 1.2 Duration of the periods to be specified by the EPO on the basis of EPC provisions

The length of such periods is based, in principle, on the amount of work which is likely to be required to perform the operation in question (minimum of two months, maximum of four months, exceptionally six months). However, in order to facilitate the work of parties and the EPO it has been decided, as a general rule, to adopt a uniform practice with respect to time limits.


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