R.95 PCT Information and Translations from Designated and Elected Offices

95.1       Information Concerning Events at the Designated and Elected Offices

Any designated or elected Office shall notify the International Bureau of the following information concerning an international application within two months, or as soon as reasonably possible thereafter, of the occurrence of any of the following events:

R.94 PCT 12 Access to Files

94.1       Access to the File Held by the International Bureau

(a)  At the request of the applicant or any person authorized by the applicant, the International Bureau shall furnish, subject to reimbursement of the cost of the service, copies of any document contained in its file.

R.93 PCT Keeping of Records and Files

93.1       The Receiving Office

Each receiving Office shall keep the records relating to each international application or purported international application, including the home copy, for at least 10 years from the international filing date or, where no international filing date is accorded, from the date of receipt.

93.2       The International Bureau

R.92bis PCT Recording of Changes in Certain Indications in the Request or the Demand

92bis.1       Recording of Changes by the International Bureau

(a)  The International Bureau shall, on the request of the applicant or the receiving Office, record changes in the following indications appearing in the request or demand:

(i)  person, name, residence, nationality or address of the applicant,

R.92 PCT Correspondence

92.1       Need for Letter and for Signature

(a)  Any paper submitted by the applicant in the course of the international procedure provided for in the Treaty and these Regulations, other than the international application itself, shall, if not itself in the form of a letter, be accompanied by a letter identifying the international application to which it relates. The letter shall be signed by the applicant.

R.91 PCT Rectification of Obvious Mistakes in the International Application and Other Documents

91.1       Rectification of Obvious Mistakes

(a)  An obvious mistake in the international application or another document submitted by the applicant may be rectified in accordance with this Rule if the applicant so requests.

(b)  The rectification of a mistake shall be subject to authorization by the “competent authority”, that is to say:

R.89ter PCT Copies in Electronic Form of Documents Filed on Paper

89ter.1       Copies in Electronic Form of Documents Filed on Paper

Any national Office or intergovernmental organization may provide that, where an international application or other document relating to an international application is filed on paper, a copy thereof in electronic form, in accordance with the Administrative Instructions, may be furnished by the applicant.


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