CLR II E 1.8.1 Replacing specific feature with more general term – no inclusion of undisclosed equivalents
CLR II E 1.8 Generalisations
CLR II E 1.7.5 Applicability of the decisions of the Enlarged Board to cases already pending
CLR II E 1.7.4 Decisions applying the criteria established by the Enlarged Board in G 1/10 – remaining subject-matter test
CLR II E 1.7.3.G Negative features
CLR II E 1.7.3.F Undisclosed disclaimer must not be related to the teaching of the invention
CLR II E 1.7.3.E Drafting of disclaimers – clarity
CLR II E 1.7.3.D Drafting of disclaimers – delimitation against any potential prior art
CLR II E 1.7.3.C Drafting of disclaimers – disclaimer shall not remove less than is necessary