Date retrieved: 17 May 2021
155 references found.
Click X to load a reference inside the current page, click on the title to open in a new page.EPO PCT GL - C Procedureal Aspects Chapter II
EPO PCT GL - F (not assigned)
XGL-PCT F I – Introduction Apart from the requirements of novelty, inventive step and industrial application, and the exclusion of subject-matter for which the ISA and/or IPEA is not required to carry out search and international preliminary [..]
XGL-PCT F III 4 Burden of proof as regards the possibility of performing and repeating the invention
XGL-PCT F IV 3.7 Independent claims containing a reference to another claim or to features from a claim of another category
XGL-PCT F IV 3.8.1 Cases where all method steps can be fully implemented by generic data processing means
XGL-PCT F IV 3.8.2 Cases where method steps require specific data processing means and/or require additional technical devices as essential features
XGL-PCT F IIA1 – Annex 1 Checklist for considering the abstract (see GL/PCT‑EPO F‑II, 2.5 ) Annex 1 to Section F‑II in the Guidelines for Examination in the EPO applies mutatis mutandis .
XGL-PCT F IIA2 – Annex 2 Units recognised in international practice (see GL/PCT‑EPO F‑II, 4.12 ) Annex 2 to Section F‑II in the Guidelines for Examination in the EPO applies mutatis mutandis .
XGL-PCT F IVA – Annex Examples concerning essential features The Annex to F‑IV of the Guidelines for Examination in the EPO contains examples of how to evaluate whether a claim contains all essential features of the invention. The examiner will [..]