Payment of national patent fees
The Industrial Property Registrations Directorate in Malta has informed us of the following details of the bank account for renewal fees and other fees concerning European patents in Malta.
Beneficiary: Industrial Property Registrations Directorate (IPRD)
Name and address of the bank:
Bank of Valletta
Triq il-Kanun
Santa Venera SVR 9030
Account No.: 40018101689
(bank charges to be borne by the payer)
Account Name: "Commerce"
Reference: "Patent No. ..."
IBAN: MT58 VALL 2201 3000 0000 4001 8101 689
The date on which the amount is credited to the above-mentioned account is considered as the effective payment date.
EPO information brochure "National law relating to the EPC"
Users of this brochure (19th edition) should amend Table VIII, sections 2 to 4, accordingly.
Date retrieved: 19 May 2021