OJ EPO 2019, A92 - ME Montenegro

Change of contact details

As of 31 December 2018, competence for intellectual property rights in Montenegro was transferred from the former Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro to the Directorate for Internal Market and Competition in the Ministry of the Economy of Montenegro. The Directorate has several departments, including the Department for Legislation and International Co-operation in the Area of Intellectual Property and the Department for Intellectual Property, which in turn includes a patents and topographies of semi-conductors section, a trade marks, industrial designs and GIs section and a section for copyright and related rights.

Contact information:

Ministarstvo ekonomije
Direktorat za unutrašnje tržište i konkurenciju
Rimski trg 46
81000 Podgorica

Tel. +382 20 234 591

Payment of national patent fees

The bank details for renewal fees and other fees relating to European patents in Montenegro have changed as follows:

Account holder:
Ministarstvo Finansija
Stanka Dragojevića 2
81000 Podgorica

Party Identifier:
100 9363045 0000 EUR

Name and address of the bank:
Societe Generale banka
Montenegro AD
Bulevar Revolucije 17
81000 Podgorica

IBAN: ME25 5500 0522 0000 0323 17


Name of the correspondent bank:
Raiffeisen Bank International AG SWIFT: RZBAATWW

EPO information brochure "National law relating to the EPC"

Users of this brochure (19th edition) should amend Tables I and VIII, section 2, accordingly.