OJ EPO 2010, 133 - Notice from the European Patent Office dated 8 February 2010 concerning search and examination fees

On 1 April 2010 two Administrative Council decisions enter into force:

CA/D 19/09 of 28 October 2009 (OJ EPO 2009, 597), introducing the fee adjustment, hereinafter referred to as "RFees 2010", and adjusting the amount of the reduction in the fee for the supple- mentary European search where the international search report was drawn up by one of the European International Searching Authorities

CA/D 20/09 of 27 October 2009 (OJ EPO 2009, 582) amending the Implementing Regulations to the European Patent Convention

OJ EPO 2010, 226 - Decision of the President of the European Patent Office dated 8 February 2010 concerning the EPO Online Filing software to be used for the electronic filing of documents

Further to the decision dated 26 February 2009 concerning the electronic filing of documents 1, and having regard to Rule 2 EPC and Rule 89bis.1 and 2 PCT, the President of the European Patent Office has decided as follows:

Article 1 Software to be used for electronic filing

(1) Electronic filings in accordance with Article 5 of the above-mentioned deci- sion dated 26 February 2009 shall be made using version 5 (release 5.00, build 5.020) or later releases of the EPO Online Filing software.

OJ EPO 2010, 304 - PCT


between the European Patent Organisation and the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization

in relation to the functioning of the European Patent Office as an International Searching Authority and International Preliminary Examining Authority under the Patent Cooperation Treaty

(as in force from 1 July 2010)


The European Patent Organisation and the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization,

OJ EPO 2010, 316 - Notice from the European Patent Office dated 24 March 2010 concerning the carrying out of Supplementary International Searches under the PCT

1. Introduction In October 2009 the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organi- sation took the decisions necessary for the European Patent Office to start carrying out Supplementary International Searches (SIS) under Rule 45bis PCT as of 1 July 2010 1. The Agreement between the EPO and the International Bureau of WIPO (IB) has been amended accordingly 2.

General information on SIS and on the filing of a request for SIS can be found in the PCT Applicant's Guide Introduction to the International Phase (PCT Guide),

OJ EPO 2010, 322 - Notice from the European Patent Office dated 24 March 2010 concerning the protest and review procedures under the PCT

1. On 1 July 2010, the European Patent Office (EPO) will begin acting as Supplementary International Searching Authority (SISA). 1 As such, it will, in accordance with Rule 45bis.6 PCT, provide for a "review procedure" if it finds that an international application does not meet the requirement of unity of invention (Article 3(4)(iii) and Rule 13 PCT). 2

2. As from 1 July 2010, the present notice will replace the notice from the European Patent Office dated 24 June 2007 concerning the protest procedure under the PCT. 3

OJ EPO 2010, 328 - Decision of the President of the European Patent Office dated 26 March 2010 concerning the furnishing of sequence listings to the European Patent Office acting as international authority under the PCT

The President of the European Patent Office (EPO), having regard to Article 10(2) EPC, Rules 2, 30(1) and 163(3) EPC, and Rule 13ter PCT, has decided as follows:

Article 1 Revision of previous decision

Articles 4 and 5 of the decision of the President of the European Patent Office dated 12 July 2007 concerning the filing of sequence listings (Special edition No. 3 to OJ EPO 2007, C.1.) shall be replaced by the following text:

OJ EPO 2010, 330 - Notice from the European Patent Office dated 26 March 2010 concerning the furnishing of sequence listings to the European Patent Office acting as interna- tional authority under the PCT

Part II of the Notice supplementing the decision of the President dated 12 July 2007 concerning the filing of sequence listings 1 (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice" and the "decision of the Presi- dent", respectively) is replaced by the following text with effect from 1 July 2010 in accordance with the decision of the President dated 26 March 2010 concerning the furnishing of sequence listings to the EPO acting as international authority under the PCT 2:

"II. Proceedings before the EPO as international authority under the PCT

OJ EPO 2010, 335 - Notice from the European Patent Office dated 2 March 2010 concerning the waiver of power of attorney under Rule 90.4(d) and Rule 90.5(c) PCT

1. The European Patent Office (EPO) has notified the International Bureau of WIPO that the waiver of power of attorney under Rule 90.4(d) and Rule 90.5(c) PCT (hereinafter: "the waiver") currently in force 1 is to be revised as set out in point 4 of this notice.

I. Reasons for revision

OJ EPO 2010, 338 - Decision of the President of the European Patent Office dated 24 March 2010 concerning the refund of the search fee under Article 9(2) of the Rules relating to Fees

The President of the European Patent Office,

having regard to Article 9(2) of the Rules relating to Fees,

has decided as follows:

Article 1 Refundable amounts

Where the European search report or the supplementary European search report is based on an earlier search report prepared by the Office on

an application whose priority is claimed, or an earlier application within the meaning of Article 76 EPC, or an original application within the meaning of Rule 17 EPC,

OJ EPO 2010, 341 - Decision of the President of the European Patent Office dated 24 March 2010 concerning the refund of the international search fee by the EPO acting as Inter- national Searching Authority

The President of the European Patent Office,

having regard to the Agreement under the PCT between the European Patent Organisation and the International Bureau of WIPO which entered into force on 13 December 2007, and in particular Article 5(2)(i) and Annex C, Part II(3) thereof,

has decided as follows:

Article 1 Refundable amounts


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