GL A II 3.2 Filing with a competent national authority

If the application is filed with a competent national authority, that authority must without delay inform the EPO of receipt of the documents making up the application and indicate the nature and date of receipt of the documents, the application number and any priority date claimed. It is recommended that the competent national authority should indicate as well the applicant's or representative's reference number where such has been indicated.

GL A II 3.1 Receipt; confirmation

The authority with which the application is filed – either the EPO (Munich, The Hague or Berlin) or the competent national authority – must mark the documents making up the application with the date of receipt and issue a receipt to the applicant. The receipt must be issued without delay and include at least the application number, the nature and number of the documents and the date of their receipt. The receipt should also include the applicant's or representative's file reference number or any other information which would be helpful in identifying the applicant.

GL A II 2 Persons entitled to file an application

A European patent application may be filed by any natural or legal person, or any body equivalent to a legal person by virtue of the law governing it.[Art. 58; ]
For the purposes of proceedings before the EPO, the applicant shall be deemed to be entitled to exercise the right to the European patent.[Art. 60(3); ]
The application may be in the name of one person or several persons may be named as joint applicants.


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