GL G IV 8 Cross-references between prior-art documents

If a document (the "primary" document) refers explicitly to another document (the "secondary" document) as providing more detailed information on certain features, the teaching of the latter is to be regarded as incorporated into the primary document if the document was available to the public on the publication date of the primary document (see T 153/85) (for the state of the art pursuant to Art. 54(3), see G‑IV, 5.1, and

GL G IV 7.6 Standards and standard preparatory documents

Standards define sets of characteristics or qualities for products, processes, services or materials (e.g. the properties of an interface) and are usually developed by Standards Development Organisations (SDOs) by consensus amongst the relevant economic stakeholders.
Final standards themselves in principle form part of the state of the art under Art. 54(2), although there are important exceptions.

GL G IV 7.5.5 Problematic cases

Web pages are sometimes divided into frames the content of which is drawn from different sources. Each of these frames may have its own publication date which may have to be checked. In an archiving system, for instance, it may happen that one frame contains the archived information with an old publishing date whereas other frames contain commercials generated at the time of retrieval. The examiner must ensure that the right publication date is used, i.e.


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