T 0447/00 (Restitutio/BRITISH NUCLEAR FUELS) of 26.7.2001

European Case Law Identifier: ECLI:EP:BA:2001:T044700.20010726
Date of decision: 26 July 2001
Case number: T 0447/00
Application number: 95920997.4
IPC class: G21F 5/14
Language of proceedings: EN
Distribution: C
Download and more information:
Decision text in EN (PDF, 390 KB)
Documentation of the appeal procedure can be found in the Register
Bibliographic information is available in: EN
Versions: Unpublished
Title of application: STILLAGE FOR STORING DRUMS
Applicant name: British Nuclear Fuels PLC
Opponent name: -
Board: 3.4.01
Headnote: -
Relevant legal provisions:
European Patent Convention Art 86(2)
European Patent Convention Art 122(1)
European Patent Convention R 71(2)
Rules of procedure of the Boards of Appeal Art 9
Keywords: Restitutio - all due care - no
Supervision of an assistant - not sufficient
Isolated mistake - no

1. It is not excluded that, in certain circumstances, a chain of errors could be qualified as an isolated mistake within a normally satisfactory system (obiter dictum).

2. Reasonable supervision of an assistant cannot be limited to spot checks in a situation where a representative has become aware of an inadvertent deviation from the normal course of action.

Cited decisions:
J 0016/82
T 0309/88
Citing decisions:

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