OJ EPO 2020, A35 - PCT - Agreement between the EPO and WIPO under the PCT – Annex D

Pursuant to Article 11(3)(iii) of the Agreement between the EPO and WIPO under the PCT[ 1 ], Annex D, Part I and Part II paragraph 4, of the agreement has been revised with effect from 1 April 2020. The complete text of Part I and Part II paragraph 4 is published below.

Annex D Fees and Charges

Part I: Schedule of Fees and Charges

Kind of fee or charge

Amount (Euros)

Search fee (Rule 16.1(a))

1 775[ 2 ]

Additional fee (Rule 40.2(a))

1 775[ 2 ]

Supplementary search fee (Rule 45bis.3(a))

1 775[ 2 ]

Preliminary examination fee (Rule 58.1(b))

1 830[ 2 ]

Additional fee (Rule 68.3(a))

1 830[ 2 ]

Protest fee (Rules 40.2(e) and 68.3(e))


Review fee (Rule 45bis.6(c))


Late furnishing fee (Rule 13ter.1(c) and 13ter.2)


Part II: Conditions for and Extent of Refunds or Reductions of Fees

(1) – (3) [unchanged]

(4) The amount of the international search fee and the international preliminary examination fee (including any additional fees to be paid), and of the supplementary international search fee, shall be reduced by 75%:

i) Where the applicant or, if there are two or more applicants, each applicant is a natural person who is a national and resident of a State not party to the European Patent Convention, and which on the date of filing of the application or on the date of payment of the supplementary international search fee or of the international preliminary examination fee, is classified as a low-income or lower-middle-income economy by the World Bank. Where the Authority is informed of a change under Rule 92bis before the start of the international search, the supplementary international search or, as the case may be, the start of the international preliminary examination, and the change would modify the applicability of the fee reduction, the Authority may request the applicant to pay the full amount of the international search fee, supplementary international search fee or international preliminary examination fee, as well as the full amount of any additional fees that the applicant may be invited to pay.

ii) Where the applicant or, if there are two or more applicants, each applicant is a natural or legal person who, within the meaning of Rule 18, is a national and resident of a State in which a validation agreement with the European Patent Organisation is in force.

(5) – (8) [unchanged]



[ 1 ] OJ EPO 2017, A115.

[ 2 ] This fee is reduced by 75% under certain conditions (see decision of the Administrative Council CA/D 13/19 of 12 December 2019 (OJ EPO 2020, A4)).

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EPC Articles

PCT Implementing Rules