1. The amounts of the fees and reductions listed under point 3 are fixed by WIPO and expressed in Swiss currency (Rule 96 PCT). However, where these fees must be paid to the EPO - in its function as receiving Office or IPEA - they must be paid in euros.
2. Equivalent amounts in euros of the fees as fixed by WIPO are established by its Director General in accordance with the Directive of the PCT Assembly relating to the establishment of equivalent amounts of certain fees.[ 1 ]
3. The Director General of WIPO has revised the equivalent amounts with effect from 1 January 2021.[ 2 ] Therefore, the table of fees for international applications published in OJ EPO 2019, A111 is changed as follows:
International filing fee: from EUR 1 217 to EUR 1 233
Fee per sheet in excess of 30: EUR 14 (unchanged)
Reductions (under the Schedule of Fees, item 4):
- electronic filing (request not in character-coded format): from EUR 92 to EUR 93
- electronic filing (request in character-coded format): from EUR 183 to EUR 185
- electronic filing (in character-coded format): from EUR 275 to EUR 278
Handling fee: from EUR 183 to EUR 185
4. The amount of the international filing fee payable is the amount applicable on the date of receipt of the international application (Rule 15.3 PCT).
5. The amount of the handling fee payable is the amount applicable on the date of payment (Rule 57.3(d) PCT).
6. Please note that recent changes in the equivalent amounts in euros are due to developments in exchange rates between the euro and the Swiss franc.
[ 1 ] www.wipo.int/pct/en/fees/equivalent_amounts.html.
[ 2 ] Official Notices (PCT Gazette) of 19 November 2020.
Source: http://www.epo.org/law-practice/legal-texts/official-journal/2020/11/a129.html
Date retrieved: 19 May 2021