New fee rates
The Turkish Patent Institute has informed us that some patent fees have been changed. [ 1 ]
Applicants for and proprietors of European patents with effect in Turkey are advised that from 1 January 2016 the rates below apply. The figures in brackets are the reduced amounts recently introduced for users paying fees and filing documents online.
1. Publication of translations of the claims pursuant to Article 67(3) EPC: TRY 825 (TRY 550)
2. Publication of translations of the patent under Article 65 EPC: TRY 1320 (TRY 880)
Surcharge for extension of the time limit: TRY 750 (TRY 500)
Publication of a corrected translation of the patent specification: TRY 450 (TRY 300)
Publication of the translation of an amended patent specification (opposition, limitation): TRY 600 (TRY 400)
3. Renewal fees:
| TRY |
2nd year |
300 (200) |
3rd year |
315 (210) |
4th year |
385 (255) |
5th year |
495 (330) |
6th year |
525 (350) |
7th year |
630 (420) |
8th year |
655 (435) |
9th year |
690 (460) |
10th year |
790 (525) |
11th year |
880 (585) |
12th year |
1 030 (685) |
13th year |
1 195 (795) |
14th year |
1 365 (910) |
15th year |
1 570 (1 045) |
16th year |
1 780 (1 185) |
17th year |
1 975 (1 315) |
18th year |
2 185 (1 455) |
19th year |
2 410 (1 605) |
20th year |
2 650 (1 765) |
4. Conversion of European patent applications or patents into national patent applications or patents:
Filing fee: TRY 85; the filing fee is increased according to the number of priorities.
Fee reduction for online filing: TRY 30
5. Registering transfers, licences and other rights:
merger: TRY 640 (TRY 425)
transfer of title: TRY 75 (TRY 50)
assignment: TRY 750 (TRY 500)
succession: TRY 510 (TRY 340)
licence: TRY 195 (TRY 130)
EPO information brochure "National law relating to the EPC"
Users of this brochure (16th edition) should amend Tables III.B, column 2, IV, column 5, VI, column 1, VII, column 2, and IX, column 4, accordingly.
[ 1 ] "Türk Patent Enstitüsünce 2016 Yılında Uygulanacak Ücret Tarifesine İlişkin Tebliğ (BIK/TPE: 2016/1)", published in "T.C. Resmi Gazete No: 29579, 31.12.2015".
Date retrieved: 19 May 2021