GA C3.2.12 3.2.12.

Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) based on a WO-ISA established by the EPO as ISA 
The PPH enables applicants whose claims have been determined to be patentable/allowable to have a corresponding application that has been filed with a PPH partner office processed in an accelerated manner while at the same time allowing the offices involved to exploit available work results. 
Under the PPH pilot programme at the EPO, a PPH request can also be based on the latest PCT work product, i.e. the WO-ISA or the IPER. Where the EPO is the ISA (and/or IPEA) and the international application contains claims that are determined to be patentable/allowable by the EPO as ISA (and/or IPEA), the applicant may, under the PPH pilot programme, request accelerated examination at the EPO's PPH partner offices. The EPO maintains a comprehensive PPH pilot programme with the other IP5 offices, i.e. CNIPA, JPO, KIPO and USPTO, and has launched bilateral PPH pilot programmes with CIPO (Canada), ILPO (Israel), IMPI (Mexico), IPOS (Singapore), IPA (Australia), SIC (Colombia), ROSPATENT (Russian Federation), MyIPO (Malaysia), IPOPHL (Philippines), EAPO (Eurasian Patent Office) and INDECOPI (Peru).  
Irrespective of the PPH pilot programme, any applicant may request accelerated examination under the PACE programme in the procedure before the EPO as designated Office, at any time. For more information on the PACE programme, please refer to points 5.1.037 ff.
OJ 2010, 352

18 references found.

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EPO Guide for Applicants, part II Int.

EPO Guide for Applicants, part II Int. - C The EPO as ISA and SISA

Offical Journal of the EPO