OJ EPO 2011, 580 - Notice from the European Patent Office reminding applicants of the exemptions under Rule 141(2) EPC from filing a copy of the search results under Rule 141(1) EPC utilisation scheme

1. Amended Rule 141 EPC and new Rule 70b EPC implementing the EPO's permanent utilisation scheme entered into force on 1 January 20111. The present notice is to remind applicants of the cases in which they do not have to file a copy of the search results under Rule 141(1) EPC, with a view to avoiding unnecessary administrative work and related costs both for the applicant and the EPO.

2. Under Rule 141(1) EPC, an applicant claiming the priority of a previous appli-

OJ EPO 2011, 614 - Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia accedes to the London Agreement

On 20 October 2011, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia deposited its instrument of accession to the Agreement of 17 October 2000 on the application of Article 65 EPC ("London Agreement", see OJ EPO 2001, 549). Under its Article 6(2), the agreement thus enters into force for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as 18th contracting state on 1 February 2012.

Further details about the effects of accession and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia's national provisions implementing the London Agreement will be published on the

OJ EPO 2011, 616 - Decision of the Administrative Council of 27 October 2011 amending the Rules relating to Fees and adjusting the amount of the reduction in the fee for the supplementary European search where the international or supple- [..]

Full title: OJ EPO 2011, 616 - Decision of the Administrative Council of 27 October 2011 amending the Rules relating to Fees and adjusting the amount of the reduction in the fee for the supplementary European search where the international or supple- mentary international search report was drawn up by one of the European International Searching Authorities (CA/D 6/11)


Having regard to the European Patent Convention and in particular Articles 33(2)(d) and 153(7) thereof,

OJ EPO 2011, 624 - Decision of the Legal Board of Appeal dated 21 July 2011 J 25/10

(Language of the proceedings)


Chairman: K. Garnett Members: P. Schmitz, J. Geschwind

Applicant: Medtronic Vascular, Inc. Headword: Catheters having linear electrode arrays/ MEDTRONIC VASCULAR Article: 18(1), 94(1) EPC Rule: 10(2), 103(1)(a), 111(2) EPC Article: 11(b) RFees

Rule: 43bis.1 PCT Keyword: "Partial refund of the examination fee (yes)" "Start of substantive exam- ination" "Reimbursement of the appeal fee (yes)"

OJ EPO 2011, 633 - Decision of Technical Board of Appeal 3.3.01 dated 24 May 2011 T 777/08 3.3.01

(Language of the proceedings)


Chairman: P. Ranguis Members: L. Seymour, D. S. Rogers

Patent proprietor/Appellant: Warner-Lambert Company LLC Opponent/Respondent: Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. Headword: Atorvastatin polymorphs/ WARNER-LAMBERT Article: 56 EPC Keyword: "Inventive step (no) foreseeable improvement of crystalline vs. amorphous forms"

OJ EPO 2012, 2 - Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia accedes to the London Agreement

The London Agreement enters into force for the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as 18th contracting state on 1 February 2012 (see OJ EPO 2011, 614).

However, the London Agreement will have no effect on the existing translation requirements in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, because the relevant provisions have already been transposed into domestic law and form the basis for national practice.

OJ EPO 2012, 10 - Decision of the President of the European Patent Office dated 13 December 2011 concerning notification by technical means of communication in selected EPO proceedings

The President of the European Patent Office, having regard to Article 119 and Rule 127 EPC and to Articles 17(2) and 18(2) and Rule 44 PCT, has decided as follows:

Article 1 Electronic notification

(1) On 15 December 2011 the European Patent Office (EPO) will start phasing in notification by technical means of communication (electronic notification).

(2) In an initial phase the following docu- ments will be notified electronically:

OJ EPO 2012, 13 - Decision of the President of the European Patent Office dated 1 December 2011 delegating his powers to decide on requests for exemption from requirements for entry on the list of professional representatives

The President of the European Patent Office,

Having regard to Articles 10(2)(i) and 134(7) EPC,

Having regard to the growing number of requests for exemption from require- ments for entry on the list of professional representatives, and to the need to simplify the decision-making process involved,

Has decided as follows:

Article 1

The powers of the President of the European Patent Office to grant exemp- tion under Article 134(7) EPC shall be delegated to the Vice-President in charge of Directorate-General 5.

Article 2

OJ EPO 2012, 14 - Communication from the Vice- President of Directorate-General 3 of the European Patent Office dated 15 December 2011 concerning the electronic authentication of decisions of the boards of appeal of the EPO

According to Rule 102, first sentence, EPC, decisions of the boards of appeal shall be authenticated by the Chairman of the Board of Appeal and by the competent employee of the registry of the Board of Appeal, either by their signature or by any other appropriate means. This rule thus also allows for authentication by electronic means.

In practice, decisions of the boards of appeal are increasingly authenticated by such electronic means, thereby replacing authentication by signature. Where a decision is authenticated electronically, the indication "decision electronically

OJ EPO 2012, 22 - Notice from the European Patent Office dated 13 December 2011 concerning EPO online services

The European Patent Office (EPO) has now extended its online services, espe- cially the Mailbox functionality available on its website (www.epo.org).

To optimise these services for all users, professional representatives should make sure that all data relating to them and their clients is up to date at all times. Electronic notifications will be sent to the appointed professional representative according to our records.


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