GL D IV 1.4.2 Deficiencies which may no longer be remedied in accordance with Rule 77(1) and Rule 77 (2) , resulting in the opposition being rejected as inadmissible

If there are no deficiencies of the type referred to in D‑IV, 1.4.1, but a notice of opposition which is deemed to have been filed reveals deficiencies under Rule 77(1) (see D‑IV, which may no longer be remedied and which have not been communicated to the opponents in accordance with D‑IV, 1.3.2 (because the opposition period has already expired), the formalities offic

GL D IV 1.4.1 Deficiencies which may no longer be remedied, as a result of which the opposition is deemed not to have been filed

If formalities officers establish that the deficiencies referred to in D‑IV, 1.2.1 have not been remedied within the time limits laid down in the EPC or by the EPO, they will inform the opponent in accordance with Art. 119 that the notice of opposition is deemed not to have been filed and that a decision may be applied for under Rule 112(2) (see E‑VIII, 1.9.3

GL D IV 1.3.2 Communication in the event of deficiencies as described in D‑IV, 1.2.2 , which, if not remedied, will lead to rejection of the opposition as inadmissible

The communication will indicate the deficiencies noted in accordance with D‑IV, or, and will state that the opposition will be rejected as inadmissible unless the deficiencies as described in D‑IV,, are remedied within the opposition period and unless the deficiencies as described in D‑IV, are rem

GL D IV 1.3.1 Communication in the event of deficiencies as described in D‑IV, 1.2.1 , which, if not remedied, will lead to the opposition being deemed not to have been filed

The communication will indicate the deficiencies noted in accordance with D‑IV, 1.2.1, and will state that the opposition will be deemed not to have been filed unless the deficiency or deficiencies are remedied within the time limits indicated in D‑IV, 1.2.1.

GL D IV 1.3 Issue of communications by the formalities officer as a result of examination for deficiencies

If, in the course of the examination as described in D‑IV, 1.2, formalities officers note deficiencies which may still be remedied, and if there are no deficiencies which may no longer be remedied (in the case of deficiencies which may no longer be remedied see D‑IV, 1.4), they will issue the communications described in D‑IV, 1.3.1 and/or 


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