CLR I B 4.5.1.A What constitutes "diagnostic methods"
CLR I B 4.5.1 Opinion G 1/04 of the Enlarged Board of Appeal
CLR I B 4.5 Diagnostic methods
CLR I B 4.4.3 Avoiding the non‑patentability under Article 53(c) EPC of methods with therapeutic effect
CLR I B 4.4.2.B Therapeutic and non-therapeutic effects distinguishable
CLR I B 4.4.2.A Inevitable and inextricably linked therapeutic effect of the claimed method
CLR I B 4.4.2 Methods with both therapeutic and non-therapeutic indications
CLR I B 4.4.1.B Application in the case law
CLR I B 4.4.1.A Definition of the term