OJ EPO 2016, A81 - IT Italy

Payment of patent fees

Applicants for and proprietors of European patents with effect in Italy are advised that from 1 August 2016 the following rules apply:

1. Payee – bank details

(a) Payments made within Italy

Payee: Agenzia delle Entrate

All fee payments relating to European patents must be made using form F24 via an authorised Italian bank or a post office.

(i) Renewal fees for European patents: F24, code "C301" for "Annualità convalida Brevetto Europeo"

(ii) Other fees: F24, codes "C300" and "C302"

(b) Payments made from other euro-zone states

Payee: Tesoreria dello Stato

Name of bank: Banca d'Italia

IBAN: IT09 Z010 0003 2453 4800 8121 701[ * ]


(c) Payments made from states outside the euro zone

Payee: Banca d'Italia

Name of correspondent bank: Deutsche Bank

IBAN: DE03 5007 0010 0935 6403 00


2. Methods of payment

(a) Via an Italian bank or post office, using the prescribed form (F24). The payment voucher has to be presented to the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM).

(b) and (c) Bank transfer

3. Date considered as the effective payment date

2(a) For payments using F24: the date of inpayment at an Italian post office or bank (date stamp)

2(b) and (c) For bank transfers from abroad: the date the payment is credited to one of the accounts cited

EPO information brochure "National law relating to the EPC"

Users of this brochure (17th edition) should amend Table VIII, columns 2, 3 and 4 accordingly.


[ * ] Editorial note : The IBAN number for payment of fees for European patents in Italy was been published as follows: IT09 Z010 0003 2453 8008 1217 01. This reference is incorrect and has been corrected as follows: IT09 Z010 0003 2453 4800 8121 701

(see corrigendum, OJ EPO 2020, A112)

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