2. In addition, the EPO will also acceler- ate the processing of the opposition if it is informed by the national court or
1 This notice replaces without any changes to the substance the notice from the EPO of 19 May 1998 (OJ EPO 1998, 361).
competent authority of a contracting state that infringement actions are pending.
3.However,theEPOhastorelyon theco-operationofthepartiestothe proceedings,whoareexpectedin particulartomaketheirsubmissions promptlyandinfullandinanycase strictlytoadheretothetimelimitssetby theEPOfo rreplyingtocommunications orcommentingonwrittensubmissions fromtheotherparties.Requeststo extendtimelimitsoverandabovethe normalfour-monthperiodcanonlybe grantedinexceptional,dulysubstan- tiatedcases.
References: ar101;
Source: http://archive.epo.org/epo/pubs/oj008/04_08/04_2218.pdf
Date retrieved: May 20, 2014