The submission by the proprietor of an amended specification containing the correction of an obvious error will be admitted:
Therefore, if the proprietor files an amended specification fulfilling the requirements of Rule 80, they can additionally request the correction of an obvious error under Rule 139 (see T 657/11). This request for correction will be dealt with by the opposition division (see H‑VI, 2.1), as described in H‑VI, 2.2, to H‑VI, 2.2.2.
In other words, if an amended set of claims fulfilling the requirements of Rule 95(2) is filed in limitation proceedings, obvious errors can be corrected under Rule 139.
Date retrieved: 17 May 2021
13 references found.
Click X to load a reference inside the current page, click on the title to open in a new page.EPC Articles
EPC Implementing Rules
EPO Guidelines - D Opposition and Limitation/Revocation Procedures
EPO Guidelines - H Amendments and Corrections
XGL H VI 2.2.2 Missing parts of description and missing drawings filed as corrections under Rule 139