The abstract is initially supplied by the applicant. The search division has the task of determining its definitive content, which will normally be published with the application. In doing this, it considers the abstract in relation to the application as filed (see B‑X, 7(i)). If the search report is published later than the application, the abstract, published with the application will be the one resulting from the examination referred to in B‑X, 7(i), third sentence.[Rule 66; Rule 68; ]
In determining the definitive content, the search division takes into consideration the purpose of the abstract (see F‑II, 2.1).[Art. 85; Rule 47(5); ]
Date retrieved: 17 May 2021
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EPC Implementing Rules
EPO Guidelines - B Search
XGL B X 7 Title, abstract and figure(s) to be published with the abstract (as indicated on supplemental sheet A)