001 |
Filing fee – EP direct – not online |
001 |
Filing fee – EP direct – online |
002 |
Fee for a European search – supplementary search for applications filed before 1.7.2005 |
002 |
Fee for a European search – applications filed on or after 1.7.2005 |
003 |
Fee for an international search |
005 |
Designation fee – for each state designated (max. 7) for applications filed before 1.4.2009 |
005 |
Designation fee – for all contracting states designated for applications filed on or after 1.4.2009 |
006 |
Examination fee – for applications filed before 1.7.2005 and for international applications filed on or after 1.7.2005 without a supplementary European search report |
006 |
Examination fee – for applications filed on or after 1.7.2005 |
007 |
Fee for grant and printing (not more than 35 pages) or fee for grant including fee for publication |
008 |
Additional printing fee for 36th and each subsequent page |
009 |
Fee for publishing a new specification of the European patent |
010 |
Opposition fee |
011 |
Fee for appeal |
013 |
Fee for re-establishment, reinstatement, restoration (EPC, PCT) |
014 |
Conversion fee |
015 |
Claims fee – for the 16th to the 50th claim |
015 |
Claims fee – for the 51st and each subsequent claim |
016 |
Claims fee in accordance with R. 71(4) EPC – for the 16th to the 50th claim |
016 |
Claims fee in accordance with R. 71(4) EPC – for the 51st and each subsequent claim |
017 |
Fee for requesting a decision by the opposition division on the fixing of costs (Rule 88(3) EPC) |
018 |
Fee for the conservation of evidence |
019 |
Transmittal fee for an international application |
020 |
Filing fee – entry into EP phase – not online |
020 |
Filing fee – entry into EP phase – online |
021 |
Fee for preliminary examination of international application |
022 |
Registering of transfer |
023 |
Registering of licences and other rights |
024 |
Cancellation of entry in respect of licences and other rights |
025 |
Certified copy of European patent certificate |
026 |
Extract from the European Patent Register |
027 |
Inspection of files (paper copies max. 100 pages, electronic storage medium) |
029 |
Certified copy of application –priority document |
030 |
Communication of information from the files of a European patent application |
031 |
Issue of receipts by fax |
033 |
Renewal fee for the 3rd year |
034 |
Renewal fee for the 4th year |
035 |
Renewal fee for the 5th year |
036 |
Renewal fee for the 6th year |
037 |
Renewal fee for the 7th year |
038 |
Renewal fee for the 8th year |
039 |
Renewal fee for the 9th year |
040 |
Renewal fee for the 10th year (constant from 10th year on) |
041 |
Renewal fee for the 11th year |
042 |
Renewal fee for the 12th year |
043 |
Renewal fee for the 13th year |
044 |
Renewal fee for the 14th year |
045 |
Renewal fee for the 15th year |
046 |
Renewal fee for the 16th year |
047 |
Renewal fee for the 17th year |
048 |
Renewal fee for the 18th year |
049 |
Renewal fee for the 19th year |
050 |
Renewal fee for the 20th year |
054 |
Basic fee for the European qualifying examination for professional representatives |
055 |
Additional copy of documents cited in search report |
056 |
Surcharge on fee for printing (R. 82(3), R. 95(3) EPC) |
059 |
Additional charge per page for transmission by fax – in Europe |
059 |
Additional charge per page for transmission by fax – outside Europe |
060 |
Fee for a technical opinion |
061 |
Surcharge under Art. 7(3) RFees |
062 |
Protest fee – for international applications |
063 |
Late payment fee (R. 16bis.2 PCT) |
064 |
Late payment fee (R. 58bis.2 PCT) |
066 |
Fee for late furnishing of sequence listing (R. 13ter.1, 13ter.2 PCT) |
067 |
Fee for late furnishing of sequence listing (R. 30(3) EPC) |
069 |
Review fee for a supplementary international search |
080 |
Certification of other documents |
093 |
Add. fee for renewal fee for the 3rd year |
094 |
Add. fee for renewal fee for the 4th year |
095 |
Add. fee for renewal fee for the 5th year |
096 |
Add. fee for renewal fee for the 6th year |
097 |
Add. fee for renewal fee for the 7th year |
098 |
Add. fee for renewal fee for the 8th year |
099 |
Add. fee for renewal fee for the 9th year |
100 |
Add. fee for renewal fee for the 10th year |
101 |
Add. fee for renewal fee for the 11th year |
102 |
Add. fee for renewal fee for the 12th year |
103 |
Add. fee for renewal fee for the 13th year |
104 |
Add. fee for renewal fee for the 14th year |
105 |
Add. fee for renewal fee for the 15th year |
106 |
Add. fee for renewal fee for the 16th year |
107 |
Add. fee for renewal fee for the 17th year |
108 |
Add. fee for renewal fee for the 18th year |
109 |
Add. fee for renewal fee for the 19th year |
110 |
Add. fee for renewal fee for the 20th year |
111 |
Fee for petition for review |
121 |
Fee for further processing (late performance of acts under R. 71(3) EPC) |
122 |
Fee for further processing (non-fee-related cases) |
123 |
Fee for further processing (late payment of a fee – 50%) |
131 |
Limitation fee |
141 |
Revocation fee |
222 |
PCT charge per sheet in excess of 30 |
224 |
Handling fee |
225 |
International filing fee |
318 |
PCT – PDF reduction |
319 |
PCT – XML reduction |
400 |
Surcharge for extension fees |
401 |
Extension fee for Slovenia (SI) (EPC contracting state since 1.12.2002) |
402 |
Extension fee for Lithuania (LT) (EPC contracting state since 1.12.2004) |
403 |
Extension fee for Latvia (LV) (EPC contracting state since 1.7.2005) |
404 |
Extension fee for Albania (AL) (EPC contracting state since 1.5.2010) |
405 |
Extension fee for Romania (RO) (EPC contracting state since 1.3.2003) |
406 |
Extension fee for former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (MK) (EPC contracting state since 1.1.2009) |
407 |
Extension fee for Croatia (HR) (EPC contracting state since 1.1.2008) |
408 |
Extension fee for Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA) |
409 |
Extension fee for Serbia (RS) (filing date from 4.6.2006 -30.09.2010) |
410 |
Extension fee for Montenegro (ME) |
501 |
Additional filing fee for the 36th and each subsequent page – EP application |
520 |
Additional filing fee for the 36th and each subsequent page – entry into EP phase |
552 |
Add. fee for divisional 2nd generation |
553 |
Add. fee for divisional 3th generation |
554 |
Add. fee for divisional 4th generation |
555 |
Add. fee for divisional 5th generation or subsequent |
999 |
Insignificant amount |
Source: http://www.epo.org/law-practice/legal-texts/official-journal/2014/etc/se3/p25.html
Date retrieved: 19 May 2021