Updated lists of forms available free of charge from the EPO and of selected EPO publications are given below.
The forms can be requested from the EPO or downloaded from the website at www.epo.org/forms.
Printed copies of EPO forms and publications can be ordered from:
Freephone no. 00 800 80 20 20 20
Tel. +43 1 52126 4547
Fax +43 1 52126 2492
European Patent Office Vienna Customer Services
Postfach 90
1031 WIEN
PDF or HTML versions of all EPO publications are available free of charge on www.epo.org/publications.
A price list of all products and services is available on www.epo.org/ordering.
The forms are also available from the central industrial property offices of the EPC contracting states.
List of forms available free of charge from the EPO
EPC proceedings – EPO Forms |
1001 12.17 |
Request for grant of a European patent |
1002 12.07 |
Designation of inventor |
1003 11.11 |
Authorisation |
1004 09.11 |
General authorisation |
1005 01.16 |
PACE request to the European Patent Office |
1009 05.16 |
Request for participation in the Patent Prosecution Highway pilot programme Notes 05.16 |
1011 04.14 |
Declaration for SMEs, natural persons, non-profit organisations, universities and public research organisations for the purpose of fee reductions under Rule 6 EPC |
1012 11.16 |
Enquiry as to the processing of the file |
1034 07.17 |
Important deadlines when filing a European patent application |
1037 12.07 |
Acknowledgement of receipt by the European Patent Office of subsequently filed items relating to patent applications/patents |
1038 12.07 |
Letter accompanying subsequently filed items |
1140 12.07 |
Request for the issue of a sample of deposited biological material (Rule 33 EPC) Notes 10.17 |
1141 12.07 |
Declaration for the purpose of obtaining a sample of deposited biological material |
1142 10.17 |
Request for deposited biological material to be made available by issuing a sample to an expert Notes 10.17 |
1142A 10.17 |
Declaration by the nominated expert under Rule 32 EPC |
1200 12.17 |
Entry into the European phase (EPO as designated or elected Office) |
2300 12.17 |
Notice of opposition to a European patent |
2380 12.17 |
Request for limitation or revocation of a European patent |
online |
Third-party observations form |
PCT proceedings – PCT/EPO Forms |
RO/101 |
Request form for an international application according to the PCT (July 2017) |
RO/134 |
Indications relating to deposited microorganism or other biological material (July 1998 - reprint January 2004) |
1032 03.11 |
Confirmation of an international application filed by fax |
IPEA/401 |
PCT demand for international preliminary examination (Chapter II) (July 2016) |
Payments – EPO/PCT Forms |
1020 12.17 |
Payment form – exclusively for filing a European patent application under Article 75(1)(b) EPC |
RO/101 Annex |
Fee calculation sheet (July 2017) |
IPEA/401 Annex |
Fee calculation sheet (July 2016) |
Other – EPO Forms |
Online |
Order for European A and B documents (single sales) |
List of selected publications of the European Patent Office
General information on the EPO
European patents and the grant procedure DE, EN, FR free last edition 2016 |
Facts and figures 2016 DE, EN, FR free last edition 2016 |
EPO Newsletter – Subscribe at www.epo.org/newsletter DE, EN, FR free by email every two weeks |
Information on the patent granting procedure
How to get a European patent – Guide for applicants (17th edition) DE, EN, FR free last edition 2017 |
Euro-PCT Guide: PCT procedure at the EPO (10th edition) DE, EN, FR free last edition 2017 |
National law relating to the EPC (18th edition) – only available online, at: www.epo.org/law-practice/legal-texts/national-law.html DE, EN, FR last edition 2017 |
Case law of the EPO boards of appeal (8th edition) DE, EN, FR EUR 87 per language EUR 192 for a full set last edition 2016 |
Case law of the EPO boards of appeal (special edition of the Official Journal) trilingual only EUR 64 for back copies for 2012/2013 EUR 52 for back copies for 2011 EUR 56 for back copies for 2010 EUR 58 for back copies for 2009 EUR 43 for back copies for 2008 EUR 40 for back copies for 2007 EUR 40 for back copies for 1990-2006 (per year) |
Official publications
European Patent Convention (16th edition) trilingual only EUR 89 last edition 2016 |
Supplementary publication 4 – OJ EPO 2016 "Ancillary Regulations to the European Patent Convention" trilingual only EUR 95 EUR 148 for a set of the "Ancillary regulations to the EPC" and the "EPC" (2016) last edition 2016 |
Special edition No. 3 OJ EPO 2007 "Revision of the European Patent Convention (EPC 2000) – Update of decisions of the President and notices from the European Patent Office of relevance to patent practitioners" trilingual only EUR 36 last edition 2007 |
Special edition No. 4 OJ EPO 2007 "Revision of the European Patent Convention (EPC 2000) – Synoptic presentation EPC 1973/2000 – Part I: The Articles" DE, EN, FR EUR 41 last edition 2007 |
Special edition No. 5 OJ EPO 2007 "Revision of the European Patent Convention (EPC 2000) – Synoptic presentation EPC 1973/2000 – Part II: The Implementing Regulations" DE, EN, FR EUR 44 last edition 2007 |
Guidelines for Examination in the EPO – only available online at: www.epo.org/law-practice/legal-texts/guidelines.html DE, EN, FR last edition 2017 |
Guidelines for Search and Examination at the EPO as PCT Authority – only available online at: www.epo.org/law-practice/legal-texts/guidelines-pct.html DE, EN, FR last edition 2017 |
Official Journal of the EPO – hardcopy edition[ 1 ] trilingual only EUR 20[ 2 ] per issue EUR 150 for back copies for 2013 EUR 133 for back copies for 2012 EUR 208 for back copies for 2011 EUR 77 for back copies for 2010 EUR 73 for back copies for 2009 EUR 54 for back copies for 2008 EUR 70 for back copies for 2007 EUR 51 for back copies for 1978-2006 (per year) |
European Patent Bulletin – only available online, at: www.epo.org/bulletin-download trilingual only |
European patent applications and specifications – only available online, at: www.epo.org/publication-server Directory of professional representatives www.epo.org/representatives DE, EN, FR free |
Information on the Unitary Patent
Unitary Patent Guide – Obtaining, maintaining and managing Unitary Patents – only available online, at: www.epo.org/law-practice/unitary/unitary-patent/unitary-patent-guide.html DE, EN, FR 1st edition 2017 |
Other publications of the EPO
Patent Information News – subscription available online, at: www.epo.org/service-support/publications.html?id=117#tab3 DE, EN, FR free – quarterly |
Patent information pricelist trilingual only free – biannual |
Welcome to EPO Online Services – only available online, at: http://docs.epoline.org/myepoline/Brochure_EN.pdf DE, EN, FR last edition 2017 |
Online Filing (Quick reference guide) – only available online, at: http://docs.epoline.org/onlinefilingdocs/version5/QRG_olf5_en.pdf DE, EN, FR last edition 2016 |
Online Fee Payment (Quick reference guide) – only available online, at: http://docs.epoline.org/doc/epoline/ofp/guides/Quick_Reference_Guide_en.pdf DE, EN, FR last edition 2017 |
PatXML (Quick reference guide) – only available online, at: http://docs.epoline.org/epoline/products/patxml/QRG_PatXML_Online_Services_EN.pdf DE, EN, FR last edition 2015 |
Searching for patents – Products and services from the European Patent Office EN free last edition 2017 |
Case law from the contracting states to the EPC (2004-2011) trilingual only EUR 53 last edition 2011 |
Case law from the contracting states to the EPC (2011-2014) trilingual only EUR 67 last edition 2015 |
Case law from the contracting states to the EPC (2014-2016) – only available online, at: www.epo.org/law-practice/legal-texts/official-journal/2017/etc/se6/2017-se6.pdf trilingual only last edition 2017 |
Patents for software? DE, EN, FR free last edition 2013 |
Finding sustainable technologies in patents EN free last edition 2015 |
The EPO as PCT Authority – only available online, at: http://documents.epo.org/projects/babylon/eponet.nsf/0/22b6c20fc2663ff5c1257d70004a4a35/$FILE/epo_as_pct_authority_en.pdf DE, EN, FR last edition 2015 |
Source: http://www.epo.org/law-practice/legal-texts/official-journal/2018/01/a7.html
Date retrieved: 19 May 2021