Decision of the President of the European Patent Office dated 14 July 2007 concerning public notification under Rule 129 EPC (OJ EPO 2007, Special edition No. 3, 127)
The President of the European Patent Office,
Having regard to Rule 129 EPC,
Has decided as follows:
Article 1
Public notification in the cases referred to in Rule 129, paragraph 1, EPC shall be effected in accordance with Article 2.
Article 2
(1) Public notification shall be effected by publication of the following particulars in the European Patent Bulletin:
(a) the number of the European patent application or European patent;
(b) the name of the addressee;
(c) the last address of the addressee known to the EPO;
(d) the type of document (decision, summons, communication, etc.);
(e) the date of the document;
(f) the place where the document can be inspected.
(2) The document shall be deemed to have been notified one month after the date of publication of the public notification in the European Patent Bulletin.
Article 3
This decision shall enter into force upon entry into force of the revised European Patent Convention in accordance with Article 8 of the Act revising the EPC. [ 1 ]
Done at Munich, 14 July 2007
[ 1 ] The decision replaces - without any changes to the substance - the announcement by the President of the EPO of 11 January 1980 (OJ EPO 1980, 36).
Date retrieved: 19 May 2021