OJ EPO 2017, A16 - IE Ireland

Payment of patent fees

Applicants for and proprietors of European patents with effect in Ireland are advised that from 1 February 2017 the following rules apply:

1. Payee – bank details

Irish Patents Office
Government Buildings
Hebron Road
R95 H4XC

Name and address of the bank:
Central Bank of Ireland
Dame Street
Dublin 2
D02 P656

Account No. 51012714
IBAN: IE69 IRCE 9204 0551 0127 14


2. Methods of payment

The Patents Office accepts payment of renewal fees by electronic means only: Online or by telephone – our office is open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5pm.

EFT/Bank Details – The Patents Office can only accept payment (which must be in Euro) by EFT as follows:

Each payment must be followed by a remittance notice giving the date and the amount paid to the Patents Office EFT account.

Where a payment is to cover a number of different transactions, a schedule or breakdown of the payment must be provided.

The remittance notice must be emailed to: payments@patentsoffice.ie.

In order to meet a statutory deadline in relation to the payment of a fee, please allow up to two working days for any EFT payment to reach our bank account.

Any queries can be sent to the Finance Section at: payments@patentsoffice.ie or telephone +353 56 7720111.

3. Date considered as the effective payment date

(1) Date of payment made online

(2) Date of receipt of EFT transfer in the Office’s bank account

EPO information brochure "National law relating to the EPC"

Users of this brochure (17th edition) should amend Table VIII, columns 2, 3 and 4, accordingly.