OJ EPO 2017, A111 - Events: Search Matters 2018

The latest in the EPO's "Search Matters" series of annual training events will be held in The Hague from 23 to 25 April 2018. This event provides patent search professionals with a unique opportunity to gain an insight into the EPO's search strategies and techniques and to learn more about industry-specific searches.

At a total of 25 workshops run by patent examiners, participants will be able not only to take a closer look at a wide range of topics including using search strategies on Espacenet, CPC, Asian prior art, searching cross-technology inventions and dealing with lack of unity, but also to find out more about free search tools such as Google Patents and explore the complexities of searching in chemical or biotechnological fields.

In addition, at the much sought-after "at-the-desk" sessions, to be held on the afternoon of 23 April before the main event officially starts, participants will have a chance to talk to an EPO examiner about approaches to searching in a specific technical area selected by them when registering.

More information and registration
