OJ EPO 2016, A97 - IS Iceland

New fee rates

The Icelandic Patent Office has informed us that by Regulation No. 818/2016[ 1 ] some patent fees have been changed.

Applicants for and proprietors of European patents with effect in Iceland are advised that from 1 January 2017 the following rates will apply:

1. Publication and correction of translations of the European patent under Article 65 EPC: ISK 31 100

2. Renewal fees:



1st year

11 000

2nd year

11 000

3rd year

11 000

4th year

12 700

5th year

13 800

6th year

15 000

7th year

16 700

8th year

18 400

9th year

20 700

10th year

23 000

11th year

25 300

12th year

27 600

13th year

30 500

14th year

34 500

15th year

38 600

16th year

42 600

17th year

47 800

18th year

52 400

19th year

57 500

20th year

63 300

3. Conversion of European patent applications or patents into national ones:

filing fee (ISK 64 400) plus ISK 4 100 for the 11th and each subsequent claim

4. Registering a transfer, licence and other rights: ISK 6 900

EPO information brochure "National law relating to the EPC"

Users of this brochure (17th edition) should amend Tables IV, columns 5 and 8, VI, column 1, VII, column 2 and IX, column 4 accordingly.



[ 1 ] Stjórnartíðindi B-deild Nr. 818/2016.