New national fee rates in euros
Lithuania will introduce the euro as its sole currency as from 1 January 2015[ 1 ], and the State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania has informed us of its new patent fees in that currency.
Applicants for and proprietors of European patents with effect in Lithuania are therefore advised that from 1 January 2015 the following rates apply:
1. Publication of translations of the claims pursuant to Article 67(3) EPC or Article 65 EPC:
EUR 46 plus EUR 14 for the 16th and each subsequent claim
Publication of amended claims: EUR 34
2. Renewal fees:
| EUR |
3rd year |
81 |
4th year |
92 |
5th year |
115 |
6th year |
139 |
7th year |
162 |
8th year |
185 |
9th year |
208 |
10th year |
231 |
11th year |
289 |
12th year |
289 |
13th year |
289 |
14th year |
289 |
15th year |
289 |
16th year |
347 |
17th year |
347 |
18th year |
347 |
19th year |
347 |
20th year |
347 |
Fee for a request for restitutio in integrum: EUR 173
3. Conversion of European patent applications or patents into national patent applications or patents:
National filing fee (EUR 86 plus EUR 14 for the 16th and each subsequent claim)
4. Registering transfers, licences and other rights:
transfer of title: EUR 115
licence: EUR 28
EPO information brochure "National law relating to the EPC"
Users of this brochure (16th edition) should amend Tables III.B, column 2, IV, column 5, VI, columns 1 and 5, VII, column 2, and IX, column 4 accordingly.
[ 1 ] Council Decision 2014/509/EU of 23.7.2014 on the adoption by Lithuania of the euro on 1.1.2015 (OJ EU L 228, 31.7.2014, p. 29–32).
Date retrieved: 19 May 2021