The additional search fee paid in response to an invitation to pay additional fees after a finding of lack of unity (Form PCT/ISA/206, see GL/PCT‑EPO B‑VII, 6.2) is collected directly by the EPO as International Searching Authority (ISA/EP) and its amount is fixed by the EPO. This fee is to be paid within one month from the date of the invitation. The amount payable is the amount applicable on the date of receipt of the international application. For any reductions that may apply, see GL/PCT‑EPO A‑III, 8.2.1.[Rule 40; ]
The applicant must also pay the ISA/EP an additional search fee (equal to the search fee) where the receiving Office notifies it of a correct element or part under Rule 20.5bis PCT after the start of the search and the applicant wants the search to be based on that correct element or part. This additional fee must be paid within one month from the date of the invitation to do so.[Rule 40bis.1; Art. 2(1) item 2 RFees; OJ EPO 2020, A78; OJ EPO 2020, A81; ]
Date retrieved: 17 May 2021
10 references found.
Click X to load a reference inside the current page, click on the title to open in a new page.EPC Rules relating to Fees
EPO PCT GL - A Formalities Examination
EPO PCT GL - B Search
PCT Implementing Rules
XR.40bis PCT Additional Fees in Case of Missing Parts or Correct Elements and Parts Included in the International Application or Considered to Have Been Contained in the International Application