External complaints
External complaints may concern any service or product delivered by the EPO, including all PCT products, and may be submitted by any person, including applicants. They may be submitted using the online form available at www.epo.org/complaint.
Complaints are forwarded to a dedicated EPO unit responsible for ensuring that any complaint is dealt with fairly and efficiently and that suitable action is taken to address it. All complaints receive a detailed reply. Complaints having a substantive and/or procedural bearing on proceedings before the EPO and the replies thereto are normally included in the public part of the file.
complaints relating to procedural and/or substantive aspects of specific pending proceedings which are submitted by a party to those proceedings. All parties to the proceedings will be informed accordingly;
complaints relating to substantive issues which are submitted by a third party while proceedings are pending before the EPO. Such a submission will be treated as a third-party observation (see point 4.2.015).
Source: http://www.epo.org/applying/international/guide-for-applicants/html/e/ga_c1_11.html
Date retrieved: 17 May 2021