It is established in the jurisprudence that the principles of interpretation provided for in Art. 31 and 32 Vienna Convention are to be applied when interpreting the EPC. Decisions and opinions given by national courts in interpreting the law may also be taken into consideration (G 2/12, G 2/13). These principles have been acknowledged and applied by the Enlarged Board and the boards of appeal alike (G 1/83; G 5/83; G 2/02 and G 3/02, OJ 2004, 483; G 2/08 date: 2010-02-19, OJ 2010, 456; G 3/14, OJ 2015, A102; G 1/16, OJ 2018, A70; J 10/98, OJ 2003, 184; T 128/82, OJ 1984, 164; T 1173/97, OJ 1999, 609).
Date retrieved: 17 May 2021