The Trilateral offices have agreed to extend the duration of their current PCT PPH pilot programme 1 that allows for the utilisation of PCT international phase work products in the regional/national phase.
Furthermore, the EPO and the USPTO as well as the EPO and the JPO have agreed to extend their respective PPH bilateral pilot programmes 2 that involve the utilisation of national work results.
The extension of these pilots will also involve a revision of the applicable parti- cipation conditions and requirements aiming at streamlining the PPH and in particular at promoting the user-friend- liness and efficiency of the scheme.
Further details will be made available via the EPO website and Official Journal.
1 See OJ EPO 2010, 69 f. 2 See OJ EPO 2010, 518 f. and OJ EPO 2010, 57 f.
Date retrieved: May 20, 2014