OJ EPO SE 4/2016, p452 - Decision of the President of the European Patent Office dated 25 March 1999 concerning the carrying out of international-type searches and the setting of a new fee for such searches

OJ EPO 1999, 300

Having regard to Article 10 EPC, Articles 3 and 6(4) RFees and Article 8 of the Agreement between the EPO and WIPO under the PCT (OJ EPO 1998, 85), the President of the European Patent Office has decided as follows:

Article 1

Carrying out of international-type searches by the EPO

The European Patent Office shall, in its capacity as an International Searching Authority under the PCT, carry out an international-type search (Article 15 PCT) on a national patent application if the application is filed with the patent authority of a contracting state to the European Patent Convention and the national law of that state provides for an international-type search.

Article 2

Fees for international-type searches

(1) Unless different terms have been agreed between the European Patent Organisation and the national patent authorities of the contracting states, the fee for an international-type search under Section 2.2, No. 1 of the fees schedule shall be as follows: [ 1 ]


Article 3

This decision shall enter into force on 1 July 1999 and shall apply to patent applications filed on or after 1 July 1999.

Done at Munich, 25 March 1999





[ 1 ] See the current schedule of fees and expenses for the valid amounts.
See OJ EPO 2016, A4.

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