OJ EPO 2018, A21 - BG Bulgaria

New fee rates

The Bulgarian Patent Office has informed us that the schedule of fees adopted by Decree of the Council of Ministers No. 242/27.12.1999 has been amended and supplemented by SG No. 99 of 12 December 2017.

Applicants for and proprietors of European patents with effect in Bulgaria are advised that from 12 December 2017 the following rates apply:

1. Publication of translations of the claims pursuant to Article 67(3) EPC:

Fee for publication of the mention of the filing of the translation: BGN 45

Fee for publication of the mention of the correction in the Official Bulletin: BGN 45

2. Publication of translations of the patent under Article 65 EPC:

Publication of the mention of the translation: BGN 45

Fee for publishing the translation: BGN 80 plus BGN 10 for each page of the translation (including any drawings) in excess of 10

3. Renewal fees:



3rd year


4th year


5th year


6th year


7th year


8th year


9th year


10th year


11th year


12th year


13th year


14th year


15th year

1 000

16th year

1 100

17th year

1 200

18th year

1 300

19th year

1 500

20th year

1 700

4. Registering a transfer, licence or other right: BGN 60

Payment of patent fees

The bank account for renewal fees and other fees concerning European patents in Bulgaria has changed as follows:

Bulgarian National Bank (BNB)
Centralno Upravlenie
1, Knyaz Alexander І Sq.
1000 SOFIA

IBAN: BG90 BNBG 9661 3100 1709 01


BNB correspondent bank account in TARGET2:

IBAN: BG83 BNBG 9661 1100 0661 41

EPO information brochure "National law relating to the EPC"

Users of this brochure (18th edition) should amend Tables III.B, sections 2 and 6, IV, section 5, VI.A, section 1, and VIII, section 2, accordingly.


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