OJ EPO 2016, A29 - HU Hungary

Change of address

The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO) has moved to new premises. Please note the new address:

Szellemi Tulajdon Nemzeti Hivatala

II. János Pál pápa tér 7


Postal address:

P.O. Box 415


The telephone and fax numbers as well as the website and e-mail address remain unchanged:

Tel. +36 1 312 44 00

Fax +36 1 474 55 34



EPO information brochure "National law relating to the EPC"

Users of this brochure (17th edition) should amend Table II accordingly.


3 references found.

Click X to load a reference inside the current page, click on the title to open in a new page.

Case Law Book: I Patentability

Case Law Book: II Conditions to be met by an Application